Listening to Chris
It is interesting how Chris’ story mirrors Sajidah’s point. He talks about relationships that are more than a means to an end. It’s almost the same as when Sajidah says the museum is like the Alhambra or St. George’s Hall, which are commercial organisations in Bradford. Many parts of the museum are centred around making money and bringing in more visitors, but Chris is wondering about the things that are not commercial, about achieving the goal to become part of a community of people doing things for each other. Which of the museum’s priorities and ways of doing things are working against this ambition?
Sarah Ledjmi, Associate Curator of Sound and Vision
I am Bradford-born and bred, that connection is already there. Things that make sense to me about the city, might not make sense to people not brought up here. We need to find a way to create a passion and love for the city in people who work at the museum who aren’t originally from Bradford. Many people who work in the museum are not from Bradford.
Vicky Clifton, Head of Learning
Early on when starting at the museum, new colleagues are given an induction to the Science Museum Group. As part of this induction process it would be useful to share knowledge of local contacts, with their permission, as well as community projects, groups and local events, including city-wide projects such as Bradford 2025. This will encourage new starters to begin fostering their own relationships with local contacts, businesses and organisations in the city from the get go. This could turn into more opportunities for meet ups, collaboration, as well as putting more of a face to the museum, ensuring a local and participatory approach is at the forefront of colleagues’ minds and integrated into more aspects of their work.
Katie Canning, Press and PR Manager

Chris Whitby's moment
To me, the Bradford’s National Museum project has been one of reflection and learning, personally and professionally. In a period...