Listening to Maureen
I hear pride, Maureen is proud. She doesn’t sound like she is being patronised in any way, she feels the representation of her in the exhibition is truthful.
Martyn Lenton, Project Manager Exhibitions
Maureen mentions being happy about seeing herself in a national museum. Having to specify this points to a different history, says it is something that has not happened as much before.
Gin Jacobucci, Volunteers Coordinator
When Maureen says ‘it was real’ this seems to point that when she was involved in the past it maybe didn’t feel authentic. This time being part of the exhibition achieved the goals it set out to do, instead of being watered down.
John Rooney, Operations Manager
The difference to the projects before seems to be that this time she was represented more strongly. It was her vision on display, rather than the photographer’s vision. She recognises that there has been a lack of that in the museum. Her piece feels positive at the end, which is really nice.
Elaine Richmond, Partnership and Participation Manager

Maureen Rowe's moment
Being asked to write this piece, I sat down to reflect on how I have engaged with the museum over...