Listening to Rameez
Rameez sounds happy with how the work we did manifested, which I am happy to hear, that is how good relationships and trust are built. The end result wasn’t diluted or misrepresented.
It was interesting to hear about the application process that put Rameez off. That emphasis on writing seems so inevitable. In previous jobs I had in museums we looked for local community partners and it always involved a form to contact us. It sounds like on this project the museum had open conversations that enabled to get in touch and involved in different ways, like at the event Rameez mentions.
Rameez emphasizes the size of the museum. That is a really good reminder because for me the museum is not enormous and foreboding. But I guess working in the sector we are used to the museum world. And we have the media focus, which I thought is a day-to-day topic, we have an IMAX and nice café, and we think of it all as barrierless. It is good to be reminded that for many people it’s not an everyday place, but an imposing place on the hill that is really hard to be represented in.
Martin Wills, Client Project Manager

Rameez Khawaja's moment
Rameez has produced a video piece to offer his reflections on working with us as an artist on Above the...